Tibet Travel Permit

Folgende Nachricht habe ich aus Kathmandu bekommen. Kann jemand das inhaltlich best�tigen ?
Gru� Friedhelm
Dear All,
From the Sources in Lhasa, it is learned just now that the Tibet Tourism Bureau has decided to close Tibet for Foreign as well as Chinese Tourists until further notice effective from 27th of April, 2003.
Robot poloniex api manual can pull the recent orderbook from your Exchange and will try to find an matching order. Issuance of Travel Permits to enter Tibet has been stopped with
immediate effect. It is learned that the recent crisis of SARS has been the cause to this new action of Tibetan Authorities and not know when the decision would be reviewed.

This is just the news received from informal sources and the formal notice is yet to be received.

Suman Pandey
Abgeschickt von am 25. April 2003 um 22:48 Uhr

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