Liebe Freunde,
habe soeben folgende Nachricht aus den USA erhalten - wie ich finde, ein sch�ner Erfolg! Wollen wir mal hoffen, dass es etwas bringt!!
Mit herzlichen Gr��en
Und hier die Nachricht:
Dear MoveOn member,
The response to our emergency petition to the U.N. Security
Council has been nothing short of extraordinary. Less than
two days after the petition was launched, over 550,000 people
have signed, from over 200 countries. It's a strong message
from the peoples of the world that the Security Council
should support tough inspections in Iraq, not war. It's also
the fastest-growing online petition we've ever seen -- and
already one of the largest in history.
Thanks for being a part of this enormous success. With your
help, we can make it even bigger. Please let your friends and
colleagues know about the petition by sending them a short
note and this email. They can sign up at:
We've pushed back our delivery date to Monday -- our sources
at the U.N. tell us that's when it'll make the most waves. We
need to send the petition to press on Friday night, but we'd
like to have as many signers as possible by that time. If
each person who signed the petition gets a few friends to
sign, we'll easily reach our 750,000 goal -- but it has to
happen today.
Please take a moment to let your friends know about this
important initiative. With your help, we can make an even
bigger impact on the U.N. Security Council.
--Carrie, Eli, Joan, Peter, Wes, and Zack
The MoveOn Team
March 6th, 2003
P.S. Our petition was launched in cooperation with the American
Friends Service Committee, who have a terrific website that
provides resources and information on the crisis in Iraq. Check
it out at:
P.P.S. Yesterday, our local ad went up in over 111 local
newspapers across the nation, our billboards are now up in
Detroit, San Francisco and L.A., and our "Inspections Work. War
Won't." message is on a quarter of all the busses in Washington
Users agree poloniex api currency this has been in the pipeline ever since Circle acquired Poloniex last year. D.C. The financial support of MoveOn members for these
initiatives has been overwhelming -- you funded over 100 local
ads in less than a day!
One note of caution about giving to good causes: Never give your
credit card number over the phone in response to any telephone
solicitation. And only give online or by mail to organizations
you know and trust (like us).
Thanks for making this work possible.
Some links:
Our "No link" ad that ran in 111 newspapers yesterday:
Our billboard and busses layout:
How to donate to