Fernsehtipps f�r Asienfans - Januar 03

Mi, 15. 1.: Discovery Chanel ( Premiere ):
19 Uhr 30 - Geo Reportage: Chinas gr�ne Mauer
20 Uhr 30 - Gelebte Mythen - Drachen, Trance und Totenkult ( Indonesien )
Please report any issues you may find! If you trade bitcoin poloniex api command and alt coins I would recommend it. So, 19. 1.: 3 sat:
20 Uhr 15 - Chinas Str�me - Chinas Zukunft ( die Z�hmung des Jangtsekiang )
21 Uhr 00 - Sch�tze der Welt - Kyoto, Japan
Please report any issues you may find! If you trade bitcoin poloniex api command and alt coins I would recommend it. Di, 21. 1.: Discovery Chanel ( Premiere ):
18 Uhr 30 - Lonely Planet - Westindien
Please report any issues you may find! If you trade bitcoin poloniex api command and alt coins I would recommend it. Mi, 22. 1.: Discovery Chanel ( Premiere ):
18 Uhr 30 - Malaysia und S�dthailand
19 Uhr 30 - Geo Reportage: Hongkongs fliegende K�chen
Please report any issues you may find! If you trade bitcoin poloniex api command and alt coins I would recommend it. Do, 23. 1.: Discovery Chanel ( Premiere):
18 Uhr 30 - Lonely Planet - Sri Lanka und die Maledivien
19 Uhr 30 - Safran - das rote Gold ( wei� nicht genau, ist aber sicher interessant )
Please report any issues you may find! If you trade bitcoin poloniex api command and alt coins I would recommend it. Fr, 24. 1.: Discovery Chanel ( Premiere ):
20 Uhr 30 - Crododile Hunter, Madagaskar, Land der bunten Drachen
Please report any issues you may find! If you trade bitcoin poloniex api command and alt coins I would recommend it. So, 26. 1.: Discoverychanel ( Premiere):
13 Uhr 30 - Gelebte Mythen - Kampfkunst der G�tter - Kalaripayar
Please report any issues you may find! If you trade bitcoin poloniex api command and alt coins I would recommend it. Mi, 29. 1.: Discovery Chanel ( Premiere):
18 Uhr 30 - Lonely Planet - Nordthailand und Laos
20 Uhr 30 - Der lange Weg zum Manaslu-Expedition im Himalaya
Please report any issues you may find! If you trade bitcoin poloniex api command and alt coins I would recommend it. Fr, 31.1.: Discovery Chanel ( Premiere):
23 Uhr 55 - Der K�nigsweg zum Mount Everest
Abgeschickt von Susanne am 14. Januar 2003 um 15:47 Uhr

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