Re: Flugzeugabsturz Nepal

Passenger manifest released by Shangri-la Air

Flight Crew: Capt. B. Mishra, F/O S.S. Rajbamshi, C/A M. Amatya


1) Mr. Alios Kraft
2) Mr. Alexender Paul Ostermann
3) Mrs. Andrea Ostermann
4) Mr. Rainer Rockstroh
5) Mrs. Renate Rockstroh
6) Mr. Helmut Spatz
7) Mrs. Annemarie Haeuser
8) Mrs. Eva Helia Tichvsky
9)Mrs. Marlith Larmgard Bettermann
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15) Mr. John Lawson Short


15 tourists, three crew members dead (1:00 pm)

Eighteen persons including 15 tourists and three crew members are dead when a Twin Otter of Shangri-la Air crashed in Kaski Thursday morning, the Civil Aviation Authority said.

click to enlarge
The flight crashed minutes before landing at Pokhara airport. The aircraft crashed against a hill above Kishti Nachane Chaur 5 kms southeast of Pokhara airport, locals said. The hill was under complete cloud cover following 3 days of continuous rains.

The aircraft lost contact with the Pohkara tower at 10 AM after taking off from Jomson at 9.41 AM.
Teams have been rushed to the crash site from Pokhara airport area.

The tourist include 13 Germans, 1 American and 1 British national.

This is the fourth crash within three months. br Aug.22


Three crashes in three months

There have been three helicopter and fixed wing aircraft crashes over Nepal's skies in within three months.

This does not include the Shangri-la Air aircraft that went missing today.

A pilot of a Karnali Air AA-350 B2 helicopter survived a crash at Makalu base camp on May 29.

Ten passengers and crew of Asian Airlines MI-17 are still missing after takeoff from Makalu base camp on May 31 at the end of the spring climbing season. The lightly coloured Russian helicopter which probably crashed against a Himalayan cliff has not been sighted yet.

A Twin Otter of Skyline Airways crashed against a hill at Surkhet on July 17 killing four passengers and crew.

Concern has been repeatedly expressed over flight safety standards in Nepal. br Aug. 22

> Hallo,
> ich recherchiere gerade f�rs ZDF wegen des Flugzeugabsturzes und w�rde euch bitten, falls ihr n�here Informationen �ber die Opfer und ihre Angeh�rigen habt, sich bei mir zu melden.

> 0231/9437914

> Dominik Schreiber

Abgeschickt von muc am 22. August 2002 um 14:18 Uhr

Antwort zu: Flugzeugabsturz Nepal geschrieben von Dominik Schreiber am 22. August 2002 um 11:57 Uhr:

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