Englische Bericht �ber Maoisten bei Junbesi

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Trekking in Nepal

Author: tyler (202.51.77.---)
Date: 05-08-02 07:49

i must share what happened to me after just returning from a JIRI to EBC trek. me and a rather large group of people who met up pn the trail got underway just before the bandh. everything was going fine despite some maoist flags flying and spray painted propaganda until we got to junbesi. i arrived at about 5pm of the first day of the strike. what i found there were about 15 other trekkers who had all been held up their for that day when local maoists had told them that no one was to go any farther because bombs had been laid on the trails for the army. after much discussion between trekkers we decided that they were full of @!#$ and decided as a group to head out the next morning. after about 3hrs the next day we ran into some maoists on a pass betweem Ringmo and Nuntala and they told us not to pass this point until the end of the bandh or else we would be bombed while being threatened by 15 yr old girls with sticks. as ludicrous as this may sound it was not particularly funny at the time. it took 2 hours of negotiation between the some guides and the few maoists until they finally let us pass. the rest of the trip passed without any hitches accept some tight nerves and some supposed gunshots heard in Namche. although i never felt in danger during our encounters its important for people to know whats going on on the trails. i found it all rather disturbing and do not plan to go trekking in nepal again until this matter is solved. this is just my opinion, but all it will take is one maoist with a chip on his shoulder to do something stupid and a tourist will eventually get hurt. for me its just a matter of time. so let me recommend not to trek from Jiri but rather fly in and out where the region is occupied by the army.
just trying to give you all the information so you can make up your own minds.
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Abgeschickt von am 08. Mai 2002 um 19:08 Uhr

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