Die Lage in Nepal ist soweit o.k. - dennoch, bitte Vorsicht!

Lieber Klaus,

wir sind uns sicher einig, dass die Risiken f�r Nepalreisende, in den meisten Trekkinggebieten, relativ gering sind. Es gibt auch manchmal Ereignisse die f�r die Gesamtsituation Nepals, nicht so relevant sind und pressem��ig schon mal hochgespielt werden.

Andererseits glaube ich nicht, das es richtig w�re, f�r Nepal eine pauschale Entwarnung zu geben. Auch wenn es nur gering ist - ein gewisses Restrisiko, dass jeder f�r sich eingeht, besteht meiner Meinung nach immer noch.

Man darf nicht ausser Acht lassen, dass die CMT Stuttgart u.A. eine 'Promotion' f�r den Tourismus ist. Bei solchen 'Pressekonferenzen' gibt es auch bestimmte Interessenlagen und man wei� nicht, welche 'Abh�ngigkeiten' bestehen. Ich niemandem etwas unterstellen, jedoch ist es ja nicht von der Hand zu weisen, dass jemand, der in Nepal Himalayaexpeditionen durchf�hrt, auch auf 'Goodwill' der F�hrungselite angewiesen ist. D.h. beruhigende Worte eines prominenten Bergsteigers werden von nepalischer Seite sicher gerne gesehen.

Ich finde, es geh�rt zur Glaubw�rdigkeit und Verantwortung, zu sagen, dass sich die Lage in Nepal etwas gebessert hat, aber nach wie vor, Reisevorhaben im Land, umsichtig und mit Vorsicht, durchzuf�hren sind.

Der amtierende Premierminister Deuba erh�lt sogar aus eigenen Reihen Gegenwind und man muss bef�rchten, dass gewisse Kreise daran interessiert sind, ihn zu Fall zu bringen. Ich halte es f�r zweifelhaft, dass danach eine weitere Verbesserung eintritt - das Gegenteil k�nnte eintreten.

Trotzdem die Maoisten sind mittlerweile sicher etwas gebrochen und haben weniger Handlungsspielraum - daran werden Zwangsrekrutierungen in den D�rfern und Versuche, die Ifrastruktur zu besch�digen, nicht viel �ndern.

Meine Devise lautet: abwarten, beobachten und dementsprechend handeln!

Wir m�chten alle nicht, dass irgend jemand zu Schaden kommt - das sollte stets unsere Maxime sein.

Mit herzlichen Gr��en

Yak & Yeti
Traveller Shop
Reise- und Sprachendienst
Heisterbacher Str. 54
53639 K�nigswinter
Tel.: 02223-279 350
Fax: -279 351
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E-Mail: [email protected]
*Flugtickets weltweit - alle Airlines
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*Sprachen: Nepali/Hindi/Sanskrit/Englisch
Tons of other small changes - thanks all for your input and feedback Smaller things: Or access the setting page directly: Check orderbook on every update. poloniex api currency *Allgemein vereidigter Sprachendienst f�r Nepali -
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> Hallo Nepalfreunde,

> heute erhielt ich diese Information. Vielleicht eine Beruhigung f�r alle noch Unentschlossenen oder Verunsicherten (leider in englisch):

> Nepal Tourism Board

> Press Release
> Jan 31, 2002

> Reinhold Messner Tells Germans that Nepal is Safe for Tourists

> Internationally acclaimed mountaineer Mr. Reinhold Messner told Germans that Nepal is safe for tourists at a well-attended Press Meet organized at the CMT Tourism Fair (Caravan-Motor- Tourism) on Jan 22, 2002 in Stuttgart, Germany.

> Observers felt the presence of Hon. Minister for Commerce, Industry & Supplies Mr. Purna Bahadur Khadka and Mr. Messner at the press conference and their answers to various queries from the German press regarding safety of travel by foreigners to Nepal did indeed prove to straighten out the issues of travel safety. Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) made a multimedia presentation "Mt. Everest & More.. Experience it in Nepal" with German subtitles to more than 40 top German media personnel present at the Meet.

> Earlier on the day, the Nepal Stand at the CMT was overwhelmed with TV crews, journalists and visitors as Mr. Messner autographed his book on Everest. Participating at the CMT this year (Jan 19-27, 2002) from Nepal were the Nepal German Chamber of Commerce & Industry (NGCCI), the Nepal Tourism Board, Asian Trekking, Island Jungle Resort, Plan Holidays, Tashi Taki Trekking and Hauser Excursions. Nepal's pagoda-style roof with its all seeing-eyes and the backdrop of Bhaktapur Durbar Square mural were the highlights of the Nepal stand which even attracted the crew of famous German Channel BTV for a special close-up shot of the mural.

> Some 1370 exhibitors from 88 countries participated in the CMT fair which was visited by more than 200,000. Experts have estimated that German spending in international travel will increase by 2-3% in 2002.

> Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) distributed guidebooks and leaflets in German language, booklets on adventure, National Parks of Nepal, Pokhara, posters, CD-ROM, videocassettes and souvenirs from the Nepal stand. It is estimated that this year between 50,000 to 70,000 visitors were welcomed at the stand.

> A special Nepal Day program was organized on Jan 22, 2002, at the CMT by Consulate General of Stuttgart Mrs. Ann Katrin Bauknecht, NGCCI, NTB and with logistic support of Hauser Excursion. Speaking as the Chief Guest at the function, Hon. Minister Khadka was very forceful in pointing out that todate no single untoward incident related to foreigners/tourists visiting Nepal has been reported. He also pointed out that Nepal had very recently hosted the 11th SAARC Summit. He appealed to the German people to come and visit Nepal and discover for themselves Nepal's diverse tourist attractions and its hospitable people. Minister Khadka also informed the present that His Majesty's Government of Nepal has announced Destination Nepal Campaign 2002-2003 and the year 2002-2003 is also being observed as the "Mt. Everest Golden Jubilee Celebration Year" commemorating the first conquest of Mt. Everest in 1953 by Sir Edmund Hillary and late Tenzing Norgay Sherpa.

> Mr. Messner who is also a member of European Parliament in Strasbourg and Brussels was the main lecturer with his multi vision show at the Nepal evening which had an overwhelming turnout of more than 800 audience - "a record attendance" according to the fair organizers.

> Royal Nepalese Ambassador to Germany His Excellency Balaram Singh Malla, Secretary of the Economic Cooperation (BMZ) Germany Mrs. Elke Roentegen and Royal Nepalese Consulate General in Stuttgart Mrs. Bauknecht also spoke on the occasion. President of NGCCI Mr. B. K. Shrestha and NGCCI Vice President and coordinator of the Fair Mr. Kishore R. Pandey were also present on the occasion

> Nepal's participation at the fair was jointly supported by the NGCCI, Nepal Tourism Board, Hon. Royal Nepalese Consulate General in Stuttgart, Germany, and the GTZ.

> Information Management & Planning Section
> Nepal Tourism Board

> Namaste
> Klaus
> H�ssenerstr. 9
> 45886 Gelsenkirchen
> Tel: 0209-274699
> Email: [email protected]
> www.himatrek.de

Abgeschickt von am 03. Februar 2002 um 14:30 Uhr

Antwort zu: Reinhold Messner: Touristen in Nepal sicher geschrieben von Klaus T�pfer - HIMATREK am 01. Februar 2002 um 17:49 Uhr:

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