Re: Maoisten und Unterstuetzung -statement einer Halbnepali


(um es vorab zu sagen:
ich bin in derselben Situation, warte ab, aber KEINESFALLS wuerde ich meine naechste Nepalreise absagen - einzig habe ich Verstaendnis, dass zT einige wenige Teilnehmer meiner Oktobergruppe nach Abwaegung der Urlaubsplanung und derzeitigen Situation in Nepal ihre Teilnahme abgesagt haben)

in einem anderen englischsprachigen Forum bin ich der Olga, die seit langem in Kathmandu lebt, "begegnet", bislang hat ihre Einschaetzung immer den Kern der Sache getroffen, ich denke, auch diesmal.

hoffen und wuenschen wir den Menschen in Nepal das Beste.

Posted by Olga on July 10, 2001 at 13:15:54:

In Reply to: Re: Rebels kill 41 police - Australian Daily Telegraph posted by Bob on July 10, 2001 at 03:32:40:

I got some informations this weekend about daily life in major villages in Sunsari, Morang (rather wealthy districts in the east of Nepal) from a teacher :
The `Maoists` come in bright daylight, each villager knows them, many of them are the teacher`s former pupils, now the unemployed youths.
They ask the villagers to attend their programs about Maoism, ask the teachers to pay some amount of money to support them, they burn Sanskrit books in the open. The villagers follow, the policemen are silent and watch the scene. They know they have no chance to `fix` anything.

I saw this teacher, a great follower of Nepali Congress, rather upset when these things started to unfold in the beginning of this year in his village. Now, months later, he became very friendly and quiet. He says Japha and Ilam [Nepalische Provinzen, Anm.Ryan]
are being `taken over` now and the process will be soon finished.
He quoted the idea of putting the army under king Gyanendra in each corner of the country better tomorrow than next week with a sad smile. `Much too late, the army could not change anything anymore in the present situation` he says.

I heard similar reports from other districts too, all together not very poor regions, Lamjung [Nepalische Provinz am Beginn des Annapurna Circuit, wenn gegen den Uhrzeigersinn begonnen wird, also ab Besisahar, Anm. Ryan]for instance is quite a wealthy spot compared to others in the West. The Nepali media wants to make us think that Maoist trouble concentrates only in Rukum, Rolpa, Jajarkot [einige der entlegenen Westprovinzen, Anm.Ryan] but I would not believe that and wonder how the new king, whose attitude is said to be quite different and more `aggressive` from his late brother`s, feels in this situation.
All together it looks to me like a rather peaceful turnover into an ultra-left country, and the taking over of KTM Valley just started as it seems.
What Account Verification Levels Are There? lost transfer I only hope that my views are awfully subjective and the reality turns out to be more positive together with the story I heard yesterday about policemen having been abducted by Maoists from a police station in the Valley during the day, which was not confirmed by any newspaper yet.

I do not think that tourists are targeted by the Maoists, if so, the results would have been clearly seen already in the last years. I heard about villagers and policeman killing each other already on my Siklis trek (west of Lamjung) in 1994.


> > Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren
> > Wir haben eine Rundreise Nepal,Tibet Butan f�r September geplant. K�nnten sie uns deshalb eine Prognose geben in welche Richtung sich die Protestaktionen entwickeln werden bzw. ob es nicht sinnvoll ist den Flug zu stornieren.
> > Wir w�ren �ber eine Antwort sehr erfreut
> > Alex Steininger

> Wir haben f�r Oktober/November gebucht und warten erst noch mal ab.
> Interessant w�re es, von jd. zu h�ren, der heute ( 12.7.) den "Streik" pers�nlich miterlebt hat!
> Bei "" h�rt man ja t�glich von Bombenanschl�gen, aber von Angriffen auf das "Volk" oder Touristen eigentlich nichts,oder?
> Wieviele " Mitglieder" haben die Maoisten eigentlich und wie gro� ist die Unterst�tzung oder Ablehnung der Bev�lkerung? Das k�nnte auch nur ein(e) ortsans�ssige(r) Nepali beantworten!

Abgeschickt von am 12. Juli 2001 um 23:04 Uhr

Antwort zu: Re: aktualisierter Sicherheitshinweis des AUSWAERTIGEN AMTES v. 11.07.2001 geschrieben von dorothee am 12. Juli 2001 um 19:41 Uhr:

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