Ist unter den hier zahlreich versammelten Treckingexperten vielleicht auch jemand, der sich ein wenig in der Botanik des Himalayas auskennt ??
Circle Invest also promises poloniex order instant deposits and withdrawals to its customers. Kurz vor meiner Nepal & Tibettour hat mich n�mlich eine Bitte eines Sammlers erreicht, die ich ohne fremde Hilfe wohl kaum erf�llen kann. Bei der Sammelleidenschaft handelt es sich um Nu�b�ume. Ihm fehlen inmsgesamt nur noch zwei Arten und eine davon ist eine tibetische Nu�art. Ich werde noch eine Beschreibung einf�gen und w�rde mich freuen, wenn mir jemand sagen k�nnte, wo ich vielleicht einen Setzling oder �hnliches bekommen kann, damit der Garten bald komplett wird.
C.ferox var. tibetica (Batal.) Franch.
A tree said to be 15 to 20 ft high in the wild, shoots glabrous, dark brown.
Leaves broadly obovate or ovate, 2 to 5 in. long, 1.25 to 3 in. wide; heart-shaped
or rounded at the base, the apex abruptly slender-pointed, unequally and sharply
toothed; upper surface with flattened hairs on and between the nerves when
young; lower surface slightly glaucous with silky hairs on the midrib and veins;
stalk 0.5 to 1 in. long, silky-hairy, glandular on the upper side. Male catkins 2 to
3 in. long. Nuts in clusters of three to six, the husks covered with slender
branching spines, the whole cluster forming a prickly ball like that of a sweet
Native of China, and apparently widely spread in the regions bordering Tibet;
introduced by Wilson for Messrs Veitch in 1901, but obtained in France by
Maurice de Vilmorin three years previously. Its most distinctive character
among cultivated hazels is the prickly burs that enclose the nut clusters. In this
respect it is closely similar to C. FEROX Wall., a Himalayan species with nar-
rower, more oblong, longer pointed leaves and less spiny burs. Perhaps more
tender and not in cultivation. There is a fine specimen of C. tibetica in the
Glasnevin Botanic Garden which makes a narrow spire 48 ft high, with a trunk
3 ft in girth (1966).