info uber meditationskurse in kathmandu.

Hallo Evi
Grusse aus Nepal.
Sie konnen die informationen uber meditationkurse in Nepal
"Kopan Monastery finden.Hoffenlich gefeltd ihnen es gut.
Kopan Monastery ist eine grosser monastery in kathmandu tal und sehr bekante fur mediationkurse fur die auslander.
Because of those resources, you are unlikely to need to contact customer support, account verification poloniex unless you have a technical issue. Sie konnen mehr informationen finden in kopan Monastery

When is the next retreat?

Annual November One-Month Meditation Course
12 november to 12 December, followed by a 7 day retreat
Registration and Information page.

Ten Day Meditation Retreats
An introduction to Tibetan Buddhism and meditation skills, including a short Lam Rim retreat. Led by Ani Karin, a senior Western nun, with daily teachings from a Tibetan Lama, meditation, and daily discussions groups. Accommodation and food provided. Booking for the courses is recommended.

Daily Teaching Program
In between courses, come and join a meditation and discussion group at 10 am every day (except Saturday and Sunday) in the Chenrezig gompa, led by a Western nun, Ani Karin. All are welcome, there is no need to book. On Sundays, Dharma videos are shown instead of the teaching program.

Herzlichen welkommen nach Nepal
Ram Giri

Abgeschickt von am 11. Mai 2005 um 09:10 Uhr.

Antwort zu: meditationskurse in nepal? geschrieben von evi am 11. Mai 2005 um 07:38 Uhr.

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