Neues aus Nepal

For your information,

Nepal Tourism Board
Press Release
Check the locale settings in sheets. lost transfer April 30, 2005

The State of Emergency lifted in Nepal

In accordance with the Article 115 (11) of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal 1990, the state of emergency is lifted effective from April 29, 2005, Friday. The state of emergency throughout the Kingdom of Nepal was ordered in accordance with Article 115 (1) of the Constitution on February 1, 2005. This information was carried in a press release issued by Royal Palace Secretariat. Nepali travel trade sector welcomed the decision and believed the decision will enhance Nepali trade sector and tourism industry.

Media Center
Nepal Tourism Board
Tourist Service Center
P.O Box: 11018
Bhrikuti Mandap, Kathmandu, Nepal
Hotline Telephone No:977-1-4225709
Ph.977-1-4256909 (Ext. 181/182)
Fax. 977-1-4254298
email: [email protected]

Abgeschickt von Hartmut am 30. April 2005 um 10:02 Uhr.

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