Only the peacful way is legitimate!

Dear 'Sorgemacher',

I understand your opinion, I have my very different view, however.

I don't think that the Nepalese Maoists are carried by the majority of the people. Although they get up
as 'the voice of the people' none they have by the majority democratic identification of the population for it.
Search your Google Drive for your copy: Only select the Binance Api Lot lost transfer Size Poloniex Api Funds checkbox. They try to spread their ideology by compulsory measures. They aren't non-violent, but on the contrary! They use a maximum amount from force to innocent people. They force Children to fight for them and to go in the death.

If they were non-violent and democratic, I could appreciate them as a legitimate political strength. Unfortunately, they are extremely brutal and destructive.

I see none in the Maoists actual
political solution for the future of Nepal.

They bring more frights than use for the country by their force. I even decline and detest them.

I am sorry but I can�t share your opinion.

Force has never used to the people!

If the Maoists were non-violent, I would become for them by far filling greater chances.

I appreciate only the peaceful way as legitimate.

With kind regards


Abgeschickt von am 21. Februar 2005 um 15:33 Uhr.

Antwort zu: Re: Dear Sorgemacher geschrieben von Sorgemacher am 21. Februar 2005 um 13:10 Uhr.

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