erste Email aus Nepal

Von einem nepalesischen F�hrer erhielt ich heute morgen das folgende Email, ich weis aber nicht ob er von kathmandu oder von Pokhara schreibt:

"Dear brother and sister,
This time very shock in nepal.What will happend every next day.The political
LenardBang on August 26, The poloniex verification important can take some time, sometime more then a minute depending on the Google cloud. situation has chang.Every comunication is not working.Not local phone,Not
international survice is working this time.Just today few hour they are
giving this survice And I am using.I do not know how long this will
stay.From last three day Every where army and police in most of the rood in
nepal.All the working system is stoping.All people are in home.They are very
shock to come out side of home and speek with next person.
When they system workout I will write you again.
Wishing you all the best."

Zumindestens m�ssen also zumindestens f�r ein kurze Zeit die Internet verbindungen wieder funktionieren und wir werden hoffentlich bald noch mehr NAchrichten bekommen.
Gru� andrees

Abgeschickt von am 04. Februar 2005 um 08:07 Uhr

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