
When the last Kalender-sheets flattern trough the winter-streets and Dezemberwind is blowing,them ist everybody knowing that it is not allzuweit: she dos come-the Weinachtszeit.

All the Menschen.Leute.people flippen out of ihr warm Stuebel run to Karsdadt,Aldi,Mess.make Consum and business.Kaufe this und jene Dings and the Churchturmglocke rings.

Manche hole sich a Taenchen when this brennt they cry"Attention" Rufen for the Feuerwehr: "Please come quick to loeschen her!" Goes the Taennchen off in Rauch they are standing on the Schlauch.

In the kitchen of the hous mother makes the Christmasschmaus.She is working,schufting,bakes.hit is now her Yohurtkeks. And the Opa says als Tester: "We are killed bis to Silvester".Them he fills the last Glas wine-yes,this is the christmastime!
Allen Nepalfreunden frohe Weihnachten.
There is a balance sheet for every Exchange that you activated. lost transfer An Yolanda,Hanna,Petra,Andreas und alle die mich mal ertragen mussten. Gruss Jakob

Abgeschickt von am 23. Dezember 2004 um 16:34 Uhr

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