Hier, Visabestimmungen f�r Nepal im Originaltext!

Liebe Katharina,

Marc und Kalpana haben die richtigen Hinweise gegeben.

Die maximale Aufenthaltsdauer in Nepal, f�r Einreisende, die nicht aus SAARC L�ndern stammen (SAARC ist eine Vereinigung einiger asiatischer L�nder), ist 150 Tage pro Kalenderjahr. D.h. wenn am Jahresende eine Ausreise erfolgt (etwa f�r mind. 14 Tage), kann im darauf folgenden Kalenderjahr mit neuem Einreisevisum ein weiterer Aufenthalt von ebenfalls bis zu 150 Tagen angef�gt werden.

Innerhalb des laufenden Jahres ist dies nicht m�glich!

Hier, die kompletten, aktuellen Visabestimmungen (Originaltext) aus den nepalischen Einreisebestimmungen (Quelle: His Majesty�s Government / Ministry of Home / Department of Immigration). Die relevante Passage habe ich durch '---' und Einr�ckung gekennzeichnet:

Tourist Visa

Foreigner who intends to visit Nepal must hold valid passport or any travel document equivalent to passport issued by the Govt. for visiting a foreign country prior to apply for visa.

a) Entry:- No foreigner is entitled to enter into and stay in the Kingdom of Nepal without valid visa. Tourist entry visa can be obtained for the following duration from Royal Nepalese Embassy or Consulate or other mission offices or immigration offices located on entry points in Nepal.

1. Visa fee for visitors who enter Nepal for the first time in a visa year (Jan-Dec):

Single entry

60 days from the date of entry

US$ 30 or equivalent convertible forein currency

Multiple entry*


US$ 80 or equivalent convertible foreign currency

* Multiple entry will be valid for a visa year (150 days in a visa year provided that the visa remains valid).


(a) If a tourist who has lived in Nepal upto 15 days, re-enters during the same visa year, no visa fee shall be applicable to him.

(b) No entry visa fee shall be applicable to the citizens of a member country of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and the peoples' Republic of China and the foreign tourists entering into Nepal for three days or less than that.


b) Tourist Visa Extension: A tourist visa can be
extended upto 120 days from the Department of
Immigration in Kathmandu and Pokhara Immigration
Office on request. Thereafter an additional 30 days
can be extended from Department of Immigration on
reasonable ground, which ensures one's departure
from the country within 150 days in one visa year.


Visa Extention Fee:

1. Tourist visa extension fee and additional late fee are as follows :-
- Visa extension without re-entry facility for 30 days : US$ 30 in equivalent Nepalese currency.
This feature lost transfer gives some peace of mind to traders who have concerns about the volatility of the cryptocurrency market. - Visa extension with multiple entry facility for 30 days : US$ 80 in equivalent Nepalese currency. One who has previously taken multiple re-entry facility in the same visa year will have to pay US$ 30 only.

2. Late fee for regularizing tourist visa

- US$2 in equivalent Nepalese currency per day for
the first 30 days.
- US$3 in equivalent Nepalese currency per day for
the next 31 to 90 days.
- US$5 in equivalent Nepalese currency per day for
more than 90 days.

3. Fee exemption of tourist visa

- Children below 10 yrs.
- Dependants upto the age of 16 years, holding
foreign passports of Nepalese parents or either
of their parent is a Nepalese citizen.
- Citizen of Nepali origin, after having obtained
passport for the first time from a Nepal based
foreign mission, until the period of his departure
to a foreign country.

Some Important information to tourist: Don't or Do's

- A tourist may stay in Nepal upto 150 days in a visa
year (Jan-Dec).
- A tourist must extend his/her visa before expiry of
the visa validity period.
- A tourist who does not comply with these regulations
may be liable of fine and other prosecution as
provided in Immigration Act and Rules.
- A Foreigner having obtained tourist visa shall
not be allowed to work with or without receiving
- A foreigner shall not be allowed to carry out any
work other than that for which purpose s/he has
obtained the visa.

Yak & Yeti
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Reise- und Sprachendienst
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Heisterbacher Str. 54
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> Doch, das stimmt. du kannst also insgesamt 10 monate bleiben, muss aber sylvester vermutlich in indien feiern :-)
> also: nur von august bis mai machbar.

> > Hallo,
> > ich glaube man kann seine Aufenthaltszeit auch verl�ngern, wenn man �ber den Jahreswechsel in Nepal ist. Ich habe mal geh�rt, dass die 5 Monate immer nur f�r ein Kalenderjahr gelten.
> > Aber verlass Dich da bitte nicht drauf, sondern pr�f es nochmal nach.
> > Namaste
> > Marc

Abgeschickt von am 28. November 2003 um 10:06 Uhr

Antwort zu: Re: Praktikum in Kathmandu geschrieben von Kalpana am 27. November 2003 um 22:17 Uhr:

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