Zum Thema 'Busfahren': nur mal so zur Kenntnisnahme (!) ...

Liebe Freunde,

zum Thema 'Busfahren' k�nnte folgender Bericht (s.u.)bez�glich 'Local-Bus Romantik' ein wenig zur Ern�chterung beitragen.

Es wird hier ein Busungl�ck bei Salyan (Mittel-West-Nepal) beschrieben, dass sich am 15. September ereignete.

82 Mitreisende im Bus(!) -
�ber 40 Tote!

Ob dies wohl ein privates Busunternehmen gewesen sein kann?
Wohl kaum!

Abgesehen davon, fahren in dieser Gegend nat�rlich gar keine privaten Busunternehmen.


1. mangels touristischer Klientel

2. die Region ist einfach zu gef�hrlich (Maoistenhochburg!)

Die 'Local Busses' sind oft einfach total �berladen.

Wenn z.B. die Stra�e wegbricht (vielleicht sogar, weil der Bus so schwer ist) oder von Bergseite ein Erdrutsch auf die Stra�e donnert,

wenn ein Fahrer am Steuer sitzt, der hier in Deutschland noch nicht mal die Traktorenf�hrerscheinpr�fung bestehen w�rde und gar nicht richtig wei�, wie man zu reagieren hat,

kann es ganz schnell abw�rts gehen; und zwar richtig!

Und dies ist ja kein Einzelfall. Ich wei� nicht, wie oft ich schon von solchen Ungl�cken gelesen oder geh�rt habe.

Was bei diesem Unfall noch hinzukommt, ist, dass jegliche Rettungsma�nahmen ausblieben. Die armen Leute blieben sich vollkommen selbst �berlassen; viele davon sicher Schwerverletzt! Wer das Ungl�ck �berlebte, ist vielleicht jetzt nicht mehr am Leben.

Einerseits unglaublich, Andererseits durchaus zu verstehen, dass die Polizei keine Leute zur Rettung dorthin geschickt hat, - gleicht dies doch einem Himmelfahrtskommando.

Oft genug wurden bei solchen Hilfsaktionen in Maoistengebieten Polizisten und Rettungsleute hinterr�cks einfach 'abgeknallt'! Da gibt es keine Gnade!!

F�r Reiseaktivit�ten im Land, ist mein grunds�tzlicher Rat: m�gliche Risiken - egal in welchem Bereich -, so klein halten, wie es nur irgendwie geht!

Und hier der Original-Bericht aus der Kathmandu Post, vom 25. September (mit herzlichem Gru� - Andreas):

State apathy to Salyan tragedy
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- On September 15, over 40 people were killed in a tragic bus accident in Salyan district, one day before the government announced the so-called three-point action plan. Only 19 people survived the incident. The rolling bus plunged into the swollen Bheri River along with the passengers. Still no one knows how many people had boarded the Salle bazar-bound ill-fated bus.Officials at the Bheri Zonal Bus Entrepreneurs� Association said that there were as many as 82 passengers travelling in that bus. If the eyewitnesses were to be believed, chances of other passengers� survival is almost impossible. The bus had skidded off the Surkhet-Salyan road just 10km before reaching the final destination � Salli bazaar.
Unfortunately, it was this season�s deadly bus accident. But the government paid little attention to the rescue operation. One wonders the way the government took it so lightly. No police personnel were pressed into the emergency service to search for the missing people. A high-ranking police official in Nepalgunj said that "they could not go there for security reasons". A responsible police officer makes such an irresponsible statement.

Then, what are they for if they cannot execute their duty at times of difficult circumstances? How can the government execute its three- point action plan � controlling corruption, providing service to needy people and rebuilding damaged infrastructures � if security personnel themselves are scared of visiting outside the urban centres? The government machinery, including security forces, must remain prepared to provide services to the people. Perhaps, the action plan announced by the current government looks as if the intention is not for the implementation, but for generating a sort of propaganda.

It was obviously the case to be handled by the police department. But it failed miserably to prove its efficacy to the service of the people when the latter needed its assistance. Performance of the government is judged by actions, not by its promises. Now a private team, appointed by the Bheri Zonal Bus Entrepreneurs� Association, is doing the job of what the police department is supposed to do.

But the private team�s investigation cannot be accepted as an official account of the accident. The wreckage of the bus has been towed along the bank of the river. And there is no clue regarding the missing people. The government�s apathy toward the Salyan bus accident demonstrates that it is insensitive to the people. Perhaps, a handpicked government has the right to be insensitive to the people because it has nothing to do with public opinion.

Such a lacklustre attitude of the government indicates that it is highly sensitive only to draw widespread media attention. Had such an accident occurred on the busy Prithvi and East-West Highways, the government would have left no stones unturned to carry out all possible rescue and relief operation.

During the 1989 monsoon, a passenger bus, with almost the same number of people like those in Salyan, plunged into the swelling Trishuli river from the Prithvi Highway at Jogimara. At that time the private media were not as strong as they are today. However, the Marichman Singh government faced the public wrath. Scuba divers were brought from Bangladesh to pull the bus out of water, but to no avail. It was a big embarrassment to the government. And, it became a political issue during the 1990 movement to denigrate the Panchayet autocracy. The accident drew attention of people of all walks of life because it occurred so close to the capital.

This is not a single instance for which the government is blamed for its utter negligence to carry out the rescue operation and search for the people missing in natural disasters, road accidents and air crashes. Last year, four crewmembers and five passengers on board an Asian Airlines helicopter went missing on May 31, ten minutes after the helicopter took off from the Mt. Makalu base camp for Lukla airport. The Rescue Co-ordination Centre launched its search operation in the probable areas only to be abandoned after a couple of days, citing "bad weather condition".

Earlier, it was assumed that either the Maoists hijacked the chopper or it buried deep into the Khumbu glacier. But both assumptions turned out to be false. Perhaps, this is the only air crash in the country that has still remained an unsolved mystery, thanks mainly to the apathy on the part of the government.

The farther you live from the capital the lesser benefit you get from the government. This is the reason that the people in the mid-and far-western regions feel alienated from Kathmandu. Whatever plans are formulated in the capital they are hardly implemented in the rural areas. People even do not know what the programme actually is, let alone benefiting from the government�s programmes. That is why people in villages say, "The King does not listen to us; Pashupatinath does not speak."

> Ja jetzt geht es also bald los.Am Donnerstag fliege ich und ein Freund das erste mal nach Nepal.Es giebt nur noch wenige unklarheiten.Eine davon ist die Frage von wo und wann die Busse Sonntags in Kathmandu nach Pokhara abfahren und was kossten diese.Ich dachte da an die Touristenbusse.
> Tschau Mario K

Abgeschickt von am 30. September 2003 um 23:47 Uhr

Antwort zu: Bus Kathmandu-Pokhara geschrieben von Mario K am 29. September 2003 um 09:56 Uhr:

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