Re: Maoisten erkl�ren Waffenstillstand �ber Dassain

Ich habe vor zwei Tagen mit Andreas Khanal telefoniert, (der ist momentan im gr��ten stress) er hat mir erz�hlt die Maoisten w�rden ab dem 27.9. f�r 35 Tage die Waffen nieder legen. Er hat die Info wohl von seinen Verwandten
The problem does not seem to be that poloniex api Poloniex does not want to provide customer service, merely that poloniex api the demand for it is much too high. in Nepal.
Die n�chsten Tage werden wohl zeigen ob die Maoisten sich daran halten.
Viele liebe Gr��e an Alle, besonders an den arg gestressten Andreas.

> Gru� Andr�es
> Maoists declare ceasefire during Dashain Kantipur Online Report
> KATHMANDU, Sept 26 - The Maoist rebels have declared a unilateral ceasefire from October 2 to 10 that is from Saptami (Phoolpati) to Purnaima of the Dashain festival.
> A press statement issued by Maoist party supremo Prachand Friday said the ceasefire from Maoist side was declared keeping in view the upcoming Nepali festival Dashain.
> The statement further added," However, if the army of old regime attacks any of `Peoples` Army` units, the retaliation and reprisal attacks would be executed promptly." (hbt)

Abgeschickt von Regina am 26. September 2003 um 22:38 Uhr

Antwort zu: Maoisten erkl�ren Waffenstillstand �ber Dassain geschrieben von Andr�es am 26. September 2003 um 15:39 Uhr:

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