Hallo, folgendes hat sich bei mir die letzten Tage ergeben. Ich habe einfach mal in KTM angerufen und nachgefragt. Fakt ist, dass die Offices des ACAP erst Montag wieder ge�ffnet sind. Aber ein Anruf im Hotel, und ich glaube es ist dabei fast egal welches, und die Sache war erledigt. Ich habe mal den Mailverkehr angehangen. Der erste Eindruck von Nepal ist somit schon einmal �usserst positiv. Probiert es �ber eure Hotels und opfert ruhig nen Dollar Geb�hr, dann haben beide was davon ;-)
Gruss OLLI
Dear Oliver,
Thanks for your e-mail. We have also received the copy of your passport and
your picture too and we will get the permit for Annapurna Circuit ready fro
you when you arrive here on 3rd Oct. yes, we will also book the bus ticket
for you from kathmandu - Besisahar for 4th oct so the total cost will be USD
Authorize poloniex api manual the Google Seeking Alpha Cryptocurrencies How To Mine Ripple Cryptocurrency Script 5. 45 nett ( permit + bus ticket).
You can make the payment upon your arrival.
Best regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Oliver"
To: "Nabita Manandhar"
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 7:31 PM
Subject: Re: Annapurna Trek
Dear Nabita,
thanks for your fast answer. I only want to get a permission for the
annapurna circuit (40US$ as you mentioned). I added 1 picture of my passport
and 1 photo, if you need. I will go the treck by my own. The dates for the
treck are:
03.October 2003 Arrival in Kathmandu
04.October 2003 Bus to Beshisahar
up to 26.October Treck via Manang, Thorong La, Jomoson to Pokhara
27.October 2003 Bus to Kathmandu (want to stay at KTM Guesthouse again)
28.October Departure back to Germany
If it is possible, you can arrange a ticket for the bus from Kathmandu to
Beshisahar on 4th October 2003, for me. I hope i gave you all information
you need.
Do you need photos for the permit? Which way you want to change the costs?
With hotel-receipt or via creditcard?
Thousand Thanks from Germany,
yours sincerly Oliver Vulter
"Nabita Manandhar" schrieb:
> Dear Oliver,
> Thank you very much for your e-mail. Well I jut want to let you know that
The KGh Group also has it's own travel and trekking company to take care of
all the other equirements of the clients such as rafting, trekking, sight
seeing, ticketing etc and it is located at Kathmandu Guest House itself for
the convinience of the clients.
> As you want to do the Annaprna Circuit trek, I am furnihisng you the
detailed itinerary just inc ase you want to take the full package tour with
us. If you just want to get the Permit for the Annapurna Circuit then
please send us a copy of your passport by fax and the details by e-mail just
in case the fax is not clear. The cost will be USD 40 nett including oru
service charge.
> Best regards,
> nabita manandhar
> Samjhana Travels / Kathmandu Guest House
> Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
> Tel: 977 - 1- 4413632
> Fax: 977 -1 - 4417133
> Ich habe geh�rt das das Permitb�ro in Kathmandu vom 3-5Oktober wegen eines Festivals geschlossen sein soll.Weis jemand etwas dar�ber?Giebt es vielleicht die M�glichkeit sich das Permit f�r den Annapurna schon vorher �ber ein Hotel besorgen zu lassen.Ich komme n�mlich am 3.Oktober an und wollte am 5.Oktober weiter fahren.
> Danke schon mal im vorraus.Mario K