Re: Kontaminiertes Mineralwasser |
> > > In der Internetzeitung "ekantipur" habe ich gelesen, dass die Lebensmittelbehoerden in Kathmandu Mineralwaesser getestet haben und die Haelfte aller Waesser kontaminiert waren (zu hoher Eisengehalt, Bakterien etc.). > > > Wer weiss, welche Mineralwassermarken man ueberhaupt noch bedenkenlos kaufen kann ? >
Tainted mineral water in market The bulk of mineral water for drinking purposes sold in Kathmandu is contaminated, according to a government watchdog. The data recorded by the Department of Food Technology and Quality Control (DFTQC), that bears the responsibility of monitoring food quality in the market, says that nearly 50 percent of the mineral water available in the market is contaminated. It is either in the form of sealed jars or mineral bottles. The percentage of contaminated water available in the market compared to last year has increased by 20 percent. New data on the Nepali fiscal year 2009-10 shows that of the 68 samples of drinking water sealed in jars and bottles 32 were contaminated. “The contaminated water either contains harmful micro-organisms or contains excessive iron,” said Pramod Koirala, spokesman for the DFTQC. Selling such water is illegal. Officials claim that for lack of strong legal provisions and weak implementation of law has encouraged traders to do such shady deals. Koirala said that food inspectors inspect the market and bring samples of food and water for tests in the lab. “When it is proved that they are either adulterated or contaminated, the shopkeepers are sent to the court,” said Koirala adding that what happens then is that they get released on bail. He added, “The bail amount is miniscule.” The department at present works according to the fourth amendment to the 1992 Food Act, which states that a maximum of Rs. 5,000 as fine and six months of imprisonment can be imposed in general cases of adulterated food. Koirala claim that no one has been convicted of the crime so far. He said that only 88 water companies have registered at the DFQTC. There are reports that over 100 companies are operating their water business in the market. “We are trying to bring them under the supervision of DFTQC, but for lack of manpower we have failed to do so,” said Koirala. He said that if any company is found running an illegal water business without license from the DFTQC, the department will bring it under the supervision-providing license. “There is no legal ground to punish such companies,” said Koirala. Meanwhile, the DFTQC has granted license to 12 water supply companies in the fiscal year 2009-10 after examining the safety standards of these industries.
Posted on: 2010-09-27 08:57
Abgeschickt von am 29. September 2010 um 14:45 Uhr.
Antwort zu: Re: Kontaminiertes Mineralwasser geschrieben von Ralf am 29. September 2010 um 12:11 Uhr. |