Re: Nepal-Tibet. - Einfluss Chinas auf Nepal

Warm Greetings from Himalayan country!

Thank you for your valuable to towards my post. We are a small company based in kathmandu offer Trip to Tibet including Mt. Kailash, north face Mt. Everest and very popular tirp/8day overland tour to lhasa.

If you have any questions then please feel free to ask with me I will be happy to answer your questions.

Looking forward to serve you soon.

Yours Sincerely

Ram kumar /
It bitstamp trade will match on ticker code and amount.

Abgeschickt von am 07. August 2010 um 11:08 Uhr.

Antwort zu: Nepal-Tibet. - Einfluss Chinas auf Nepal geschrieben von Klaus - HIMATREK am 04. August 2010 um 21:47 Uhr.

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