Re: NEPAL: Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal. Tzzzzz. OFFENER BRIEF. |
> UK: PM Gordon Brown lost the elections YESTERDAY. He stepped back as the UK PM TODAY. - NEPAL: PM Madhav Kumar Nepal lost the elections. ; )) Some time ago. Dear Mr. Prime Minister (PM) of the Federal Republic of Nepal, YOU lost twice during the election! . Tzzz. Dear Mr. Prime Minister MKN. PLEASE STEP DOWN. Do me that favour. Just do it. You collected MORE THAN ENOUGH PUBLIC (!!!) MONEY for YOU YOURSELF, YOUR RELATIVES BECOMING HONORARY CONSULS IN HONG KONG AND ALL OVER THE WORLD. Tzzzzzz. WHY? WHAT FOR? FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PEOPLE OF NEPAL? - Which would be VERY GOOD!! - BUT ONLY maximum 6 per cent (according to a scientific and REPRESENTATIVE (!) SURVEY of NEPALI TIMES of last week) of the 28 million nepali people want You to be a "prime minister", a minister out of all (tooo much corrupt and not serving the nepali people - what IS THEIR ONLY DUTY. ) nepali ministers. Tzzz. By the way: WHO OF ALL OF THEM elected Your foreign minister? WE ALL KNOW how she ruined Nepal Airlines with her Frankfurt (Germany) based ex-husband. Tzzz. Another scandal. - Dear Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal, I am living in Your very simple room in Kupondole right now You lived in before Janaandolan I. I ADMIRED YOU! - THEN. - And I met the late and beloved CPN/UML PM Manmohan Adhikari in my German Patrakar TV station. IT WAS SO GOOD AND SO INSPIRING. Talking about nepali people. Their LIFE. And STRUGGLE. Simple people. Simple life. About their simple but GOOD life - How about You YOURSELF? Just write me Your quite personal opinion of how to proceed. - WITH OR WITHOUT YOU. Just write to [email protected] Herr Schmelzer, ich finde es eine Unverschaemtheit von Ihnen, dass Sie sich hier so edel und nobel darstellen und dem PM Betrug und Abzocke am eigenen Volk vorwerfen. Ich habe Sie gegoogelt und was da im Zusammenhang mit Ihnen, Pressereisen, Team 21 und Betrug an Kollegen stand hat mich doch etwas geschockt. Deswegen immer halblang machen. Wer im Glashaus sitzt sollte nicht mit Steinen werfen. If the coin is new and 1 bitstamp trade Week value is blank we assume we have a new star A clover is based on value that has dropped significant and is making it's way back Looks like Binance Api Lot Size Poloniex Api missed the lucky clover, a missed opportunity. In diesem Sinne, Juergen Schunk, Kameramann und Filmemacher Uebrigens, die Sie Form ist absichtlich gewaehlt. |
Abgeschickt von am 10. Mai 2010 um 23:43 Uhr.
Antwort zu: NEPAL: Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal. Tzzzzz. OFFENER BRIEF. geschrieben von Rolf Schmelzer am 10. Mai 2010 um 19:55 Uhr. |