hallo und Namaste,
hier mal ein Veranstaltungshinweis fuer alle Nepalbegeisterten aus dem Raum Mannheim/Heidelberg. Am Dienstag, den 8. Dezember findet im Suedasien-Institut der Universitaet Heidelberg eine Lesung nepalesischer Gedichte statt. Naeheres dazu findet Ihr im Posting unten...
Liebe Gruesse,
Wem gehoert die Stadt?
„ ... does the city belong to those
who see the sun at night
or to those who seek a horse in the dung?”
More than 70 Nepalese poets from different parts of the country met at the GTZ Office Kathmandu to debate on the poem of the German writer Hans Ulrich Treichel: “Wem gehoert die Stadt?” - “Whose city is this?” Subsequently 60 poems reflecting urban issues in Nepal were written thus bringing the town development agenda into the wider cultural context of the country - the raison d’être why the Urban Life Cycle was initiated by udle, the urban development through local efforts programme.
We would like to explore the potential of this approach and discuss with you some of the poems we will present in the SAI library.
Our guests are four representatives of the poets who participated in the workshop in Kathmandu:
Mrs. Benju Sharma, author of the poem “City”
Mr. Viplop Pratik, author of the poem “My City”
Mr. Bhupal Rai, author of the poem “City which till yesterday was someone else’s”
Mr. Krishna Dharabasi, author of the poem “We’ve entered the city” and “town writer in residence” of Bhaktapur
An insight into the Urban Life Cycle will be provided by Ulf Wernicke, former Programme Manager and GTZ Director in Nepal. Dr. Johanna Wernicke-Rothmayer, lecturer in German, will moderate the presentation of the urban poetry.
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Date: Tuesday, 08.12.09, 17:00 s.t.
Venue: Heinrich-Zimmer-Saal (SAI Library)
Im Neuenheimer Feld 330
69120 Heidelberg