Re: geschaeft in nepal

Grundlagen findest Du im "PROCEDURAL MANUAL FOR FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN NEPAL" des Ministry of Industry

Einige Bereiche der Wirtschaft sind fuer auslaendische Investitionen, abgesehen von Technologietransfer, ausgenommen:
1. Cottage Industries (the list of cottage industries is given in Annex-21).
Once the verification process is completed, users are able to withdraw up to $25 thousand bittrex script per day. 2. Services (Business such as hair cutting, beauty parlour, tailoring, driving
training, etc.)
3. Arms and Ammunition Industries
4. Gunpowder and Explosives
5. Industries related to Radio-Active Materials
6. Real Estate Business (excluding construction industries)
7. Film Industries (National Languages and other recognised languages of
8. Security Printing
9. Bank notes and Coins
10. Retail Business
11. Travel Agency
12. Trekking Agency
13. Water Rafting
14. Pony Trekking
15. Horse Riding
16. Cigarette, Bidi, Alcohol (excluding more than 90% exportable)
17. Internal Courier Service
18. Atomic Energy
19. Tourist Lodging
20. Poultry
21. Fisheries
22. Bee Keeping
23. Consultancy Services such as Management, Accounting, Engineering,
Legal Services.

Schreib' doch mal allgemein, was Dir vorschwebt!

Abgeschickt von Nepal-Business am 23. November 2009 um 21:52 Uhr.

Antwort zu: geschaeft in nepal geschrieben von max am 23. November 2009 um 17:42 Uhr.

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