Tibet Visa in Kathmandu ab 1.4.09

Soeben erreichte mich folgende Nachricht, die ich gerne weitergeben moechte:

Dear Holger Daai

This is to inform you that Tibet is re-open , I went to Chinese embassy to know about Tibet visa. According to them,there is change in Tibet visa rules,we have to apply China visa consultancy in Kathmandu for Tibet visa from this year. Before this, we had to apply to Chinese Embassy for Tibet Visa.

Visa fee and time for new system has been mentioned as follows:

Tibet Visa Fee effective from 01.April.09
For US Nationality
Please report any issues you may find! If you trade bitcoin and alt poloniex api command coins I would recommend it. Normal (5 working day) US$ 142
Urgent (3 working day) US$ 164
Top Urgent (same day) US$ 198

For Other Nationality
Normal (5 working day) US$ 58
Urgent (3 working day) US$ 80
Top Urgent (same day) US$ 114

For Nepalese
Normal (5 working day) Rs. 2750
Urgent (3 working day) Rs. 4450
Top Urgent (same day) Rs. 5350

NOTE: We must receive scan copy of passport at least 15 prior to the departure time.

P.S: Ob das Zusenden der Passkopie zum Zwecke des Visaerhalts ist, habe ich noch einmal nachgefragt. Des Weiteren ist im Moment noch unklar ob neben dem Strassengrenzuebergang (Kodari) und dem Flughafen Lhasa weitere Grenzuebergangsstellen geoeffnet sind.

Namaste, Holger Roehle

Abgeschickt von am 11. April 2009 um 18:31 Uhr.

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