Braende Langtrang / Rasuwa

The himalayan berichtet heute ueber Schwere Braende im langtang / Rasuwa district

Rasuwa under cloud of smoke

Himalayan News Service

Nuwakot, March 15:

A thick cloud of smoke has engulfed Rasuwa district, as fire has been raging in Langtang National Park for the last six days. Residents of Dhunche and its adjoining areas are the hardest hit.
Krishna Pudasaini, planning officer of the Rasuwa District Administration Office, told The Himalayan Times: “The whole district has been affected. The visibility is very poor and people can hardly recognise each other.”
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Zitat Ende*******************

Dunche soll schwer betroffen sein! Syabru Bensi ???

Weiss jemand naeheres, ich wollte naechste Woche zum Tamang Heritage Trail aufbrechen!


Abgeschickt von am 16. März 2009 um 17:30 Uhr.

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