Re: seit 14 Tagen keine Muellabfuhr

Hi. barbara!
> Schuld daran soll wohl die Regierung sein. Ich habe gehoert, dass die Maoisten einem Mitarbeiter der Muellabfuhl beide Beine abgeschnitten haben und jetzt streiken diese.
> Weiss jemand mehr dazu?
Sisdole ist immer schauplatz der opposition um die Menschen in KTM zu schikanieren, unabhaengig davon welche Partie das Land regiert.
Below figure gives you an example: It's recommended to make a backup poloniex api documentation of your history data before you start. die Wuesche (demands) von sisdolern sind nie zu erfuellen, weil sie nach einer woche mit neuen Wenschen wieder auftauchen.

Lies es durch (!

Agitating locals to obstruct garbage disposal until demands met

The Struggle Committee for People Affected from Sisdole Landfill Site on Wednesday said they have continued to obstruct Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) garbage trucks from disposing the city’s waste because the government has not lived up to the promises it made to them in the past.

In an interview with a local FM radio station, Sriram Dhungana, coordinator of the committee, said that by going against the government’s promise, the KMC has been disposing off highly toxic waste that might be hazardous to the health of the locals living in the vicinity of the landfill site.

Dhungana said that KMC has also been dumping the garbage in the landfill site without properly managing the waste.

Apart from that, he said the government has also not fulfilled their demand of starting development activities like constructing black-topped roads and hospital in the villages surrounding the landfill site.

Dhungana said that they will not allow KMC garbage trucks from transporting the city’s waste for disposal at the landfill site until their concerns are addressed. He, however, said that they are ready to hold talks with the government to reach an amicable agreement on the matter so that KMC can dispose the waste as soon as possible.

Similarly, the strike called by Civil Struggle Committee for Bibek Devkota on Pasang Lhamu Highway has also made it impossible for KMC garbage trucks from dumping the garbage at the landfill site.

Locals of Teenpiple led by the committee has been obstructing garbage trucks heading toward the landfill site demanding action against Maoist affiliated Young Communist League (UCL), who allegedly chopped the legs of local named Bibek Devkota some two weeks ago.

Laxman Kathe Ghimire, coordinator of the committee, said Tuesday that they have not intention of playing politics in garbage and said that they would call off the strike once their demands were fulfilled.

“We have just been demanding the government to form a scientific probe committee to look into the incident and take action against the perpetrators,” he told the Himalayan times.

Meanwhile, KMC has said its staff will resume garbage collection from Thursday onwards.

KMC officials said they hope to reach an understanding with agitating locals in their meeting today and resume garbage collection from Thursday onwards.

They also said it will take minimum five days to clear the 5,000 tones of garbage that litter the pavements of the capital’s road from the past two weeks.

Abgeschickt von Bishnu am 22. Januar 2009 um 15:29 Uhr.

Antwort zu: seit 14 Tagen keine Muellabfuhr geschrieben von Barbara H. am 22. Januar 2009 um 14:18 Uhr.

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