Re: 1 jahres visum fuer nepal |
Hello, It is possible easily. However, your causes and reason of your stay in Nepal should be justifiable. The department of Immigration could provide you 1 year or needy visa on the basis of sufficient legal documents under the terms and condition mentioned in Nepalese Immigration Laws. During the 7-day period in which users are required to comply, access bittrex script to their account is limited, and daily withdrawals can’t go over $2,000. In your question, you did not mention your purposes of stay , so I am unable to elaborate more about existing legal provisions and formalities. Therefore, if you really seek for full information please drop an email to the Nepalese embassy or department of immigration or you can write to me too at mrpushkar(a) Thank you. > hallo, > moechte gerne naechstes jahr fuer 12 monate in nepal sein. > wer kann mir helfen? > bekomme ich ein visum fuer so lange? wie siehts mit arbeitsvisum aus? oder welche moeglichkeit wuerde es ueberhaupt geben? > gruss > maria
Abgeschickt von am 22. Dezember 2007 um 18:55 Uhr.
Antwort zu: 1 jahres visum fuer nepal geschrieben von maria am 22. Dezember 2007 um 14:17 Uhr. |