Re: Petition an Bundestag wegen Visavergabe

I am rather astonished about the courage of the "Nepal Officers Team", which dare to publish grievances which have their origin in the German Embassy in Kathmandu.
Our experiences with the same embassy in the year of 1985 concerned a much different case and the most high circles of Nepal had been engaged in that sort of crime.
Tons of other small changes - thanks all for your input and feedback Smaller things: Or access the setting page bitstamp trade directly: Check orderbook on every update. We got much help from couragious Nepalese people, within the police and even from a friend of Birendra. We have to thank the embassadors of France, Britain, the United States, of Russia and the consul of Switzerland.
But though there was caused quite a stir, I must read, that the corruption is going on, with the origin in the German embassy again.
I must tell You, in 1985 we got help from persons in the German Embassy itself, who could help us on a clandestine way, for they had to fear the revenge of their superior authority, in that time the ambassador Dr. Harder and his criminal helpers in Germany. One person from that authority is a member of the German government again, the an other person on the Nepalese side was just deprived some months before, by couragious Nepalese politicians.

Yes, we were warned much, not to publish, what had happened to us. Remember please, in Germany had been ordered the murder of millions of Jews, and nearly nobody had the courage to object. In Germany democracy was not at home and I hope, Nepal will be succesful to overcome its suppressors.
Some suppression and corruption had its origin in the German Embassy and there is an authority in Germany, which was the source of it.

I wish You all the best for Your appeal against the embassy, and, much more important, to find the origin of the grievences in Germany itself. You should be certain, our Ambassador Franz Ring is not the only source of injustice. The superior authority You will find in Berlin, and I think, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (=AA) is not the only authority, which is the cause of the grievancies.

In Germany we have problems with democracy, too.
Let us work together to overcome these one day!
Maybe, this is the tip of the iceberg, as we say in Germany. The bigger part is still hidden in the darkness of the German government in Berlin, in our case also in the house of the Nepalese monarchy.
Remember, until today this darkness is still alive!

So, all the best for Your petition, Holger!

Bernd Schlueter,
victim of an nearly incredible crime, committed in Nepal, in 1985. We have not been the only ones and we got connection to others.

Abgeschickt von Bernd Schlüter am 03. Dezember 2007 um 04:46 Uhr.

Antwort zu: Re: Petition an Bundestag wegen Visavergabe geschrieben von Krishna Hari Pushkar am 09. November 2007 um 21:06 Uhr.

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