Ich habe jetzt eienn offenen Brief an Deepak Mahat von Thirdpole geschickt, welcher wohl die tereibende Kraft hinter dem Zwang fuer Begleitung istmit Kopie an Regierung, NTB und ein paar hundert Agenturen geschickt. Mittlerweile bekomme ich auch schon Antworten, dass nicht jeder damit einverstanden ist.
Bitte schliesst euch der Kampagne an, denn nur wenn sie jeden Tag Emails ueber das Thema bekommen, weerden sie merken dass es vieleicht doch nicht der richtige Weg ist. Die Box von TAAN und NTB sind uebrigens schon voll und verstopft!
China will wahrscheinlich gerade die Bestimmungne lockern um mehr Touristen anzuziehen und aber Nepal will welche einfuehren.
Wer eine Liste mit Emailadressen haben moechte sende mir ein Mail an [email protected], ich schicke dann gerne die Liste .
meine Email vom 14.9
Dear mr. Deepak Mahat.
i`m very disapointed about the new regulation seeked by TAAN with your aktive contribution.
I clearly see a Trekkers Registration as a valuable project and as i understand, this was the main goal of the governement.
But for me to be forced to hire at least one porter by some trekking agency is a regulation , i will never like. This clearly seems to be the selfish interest of some trekking agencies.
In the middle therm this will neither help the trekking agencies and severly harm many Nepali people depending on individual trekkers.
What will happen?
At first the fame of Nepal to be a very hospitable country with wonderful people and beautiful scenerys will be overshadowed by the aftertaste of burocratic constraints. This will not so much affect the people who are you basic customers but will have a serious deterent effect onindividual trekkers, especialy if they think to come the first time to your country.
But these people are very important for Nepal as they spread the word allover the world about the beauty of your country. And many of them keep coming back many many times, quite often with friends they convinced that this is one of the best places to spend the holydays.
Many lodgeowners, porters, carpenters who where buiding lodges have made their income an the living of their family .
It is an absolute Illusion that al these individual trekkers just will gladely come to trekking agencys
Many of them will just choose to go to an other destination like South America or start trekking in India. In the balance your policy will not increase by much the number of classical organised tours and decrease severly new pople coming to your country. In the long run this will lead to a decrease in trekking tourism.
So please for the sake of Nepal review your opinion about this regulation.
Ps: till now, my opinion about thirdpole trekking was that of a very profesional and thrustworthy agency. This was mainly due to the recomendation of a friend and so i referred to this recomandation to some german persons to. My opinion now is that you dont want convince customers by an excellent service but just force them to pay your money for things the neiter need nor want. This is a sever blow for the reputation of your company and for Nepal a a destination for great trekking tours.
Your Account lost transfer Balance 6.
Andrées de Ruiter
Obergasse 23/1
69469 Weinheim Germany
> Dies ist ein Grund mehr, die Tourismus-, die Trekkingagenturen und die Prsse in Nepal mit Emails zu bombadieren.
> WEnn jeder aktive Leser aus dem Board hier die Petition unterschfreiben und einen ekleine Email schicken wuerde, dann wuerde das sicher ein Argument fuer die jenigen sein, die der Zwangsanheuerung negativ gegenueberstehen.
> Andrées