Ich habe folgende Email an die Regierung, das Tourismusministerium udn an NTB gesendet.
Kopie ging an die heruasgeber von Kantipur, Katmandu post und Nepalnews sowei an den nepalesischen Botschafter in Berlin
SE Dr madhnan Bhattarai mit der Adresse [email protected]
Vieleicht kann es ja als Anregung fuer viele weitere von boardteilnehmern dienen anderen dienen (gerne mit Ausfuehrungne in besserem Englisch ;-) )
Sirs, namaskar
Al over the world individual travellers and trekkers are very concerned about the implementation of the new TRC regulation. Many of these have been coming many times to your country , spreading the word that it is a country which is beautiful. And this has surely helped a lot boosting trekking in Nepal.
Individual ttrekkers also spend most of the money directly to local people sleeping in their guesthouses, buying food with brougt local wealth to many trekking areas.
I'm deeply concerned that with the new regulation, forcing everybody to take a least one Guide or Porter from a TAAN registered Agency, will have a very negative Impact on trekking in Nepal and therfore even diminishing the possibilities of Nepali people to find work in their own country.
I can not understand that in these hard days for your country which saw a hard decline in trekking arrivals due to the maoist conflict, the governemt of Nepal takes the risk to impeach a fast recovery.
To be clear, I 'm very much in favor of a registration and computerbased database to monitor the wereabouts of trekkers and there is no point that a fee has to be spend.
But TAAN says that you have to employ at minimum a Guide/Porter to have the permission to go on a trek, otherwise you will be punished. This may be just their very particular interest.
NTB has said in August that you may trek on you own without a Guide/Porter in Teahousetrek areas.
I dont know of any official statement of ministery of tourism about this point.
From my point of view of a foreigner loving your country and the people living there, this gives the impression that the goverment has given away al his legíslative power to a privat association, inspite that this will probably have a longlasting negative impact on trekking and therfore to many of your people who urgently need this income.
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Please give me a statement, how the Governemt, the ministery of tourism and NTB see this issue.
The main question is just: Do you have to appoint a guide/porter if you want to go trekking in the classical Trekking areas or might you trek on your own.
sincerly Andrées de Ruiter