Mail aus Kathmandu |
An alle, die gehofft, gebetet, gezittert, ... haben! Ich moechte diese mail eines Freundes aus Kathmandu ins Board stellen. Sie drueckt solch eine Erleichterung und Freude aus: It is a midnight here.All animals are sleeping except human in nepal.Because there is no limitation of happiness in all nepali faces.We have been got back our civil rights from the king which had blocked for 16'th months ago.There are not only king responsible for this happening in my view.Now it is a time has come that We must have to learn from previous incident that specially the poltician leaders who are taking response for don't repeat again bad situation in the nation.But it is not enough! We have to do many things for peace and properity of nation in coming days. Mit Freudentraenen und Gruessen |
Abgeschickt von am 24. April 2006 um 21:32 Uhr. |