Artikel 35 der Nepalesischen Verfassung

da ja gestern des Oefteren die Rede von vom Artikel 35 der Nepalesischen Verfassung war - keiner aber so genau wusste was der denn besagt - hier ist der Text:
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What Article 35 states

Article 35 (1) of the 1990 Constitution states the executive power shall, pursuant to this Constitution and other laws, be vested in His Majesty and the Council of Ministers. Sub-clause 2 of it states: The power of His Majesty under this constitution shall be exercised upon the recommendation and advice, and with the consent of the council of ministers, except as otherwise expressly stated that it may be exercised exclusively by His Majesty or at his discretion or on the recommendation of any institution or official. Such recommendation, advice and consent shall be submitted through the Prime Minister�.

Gregor aus Essen

Abgeschickt von am 22. April 2006 um 10:16 Uhr.

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