2 foreign docs treating injured deported
Kantipur Report
KATHMANDU, April 14 - The government on Thursday deported two foreign doctors treating injured demonstrators in course of the ongoing movement in the capital.
How much I sell is a matter of how poloniex java much I want to capitalize on the situation. A Nepali news website - www.parewa.com - reported that a German doctor identified only as "Angel" had been treating the injured. The government has cancelled his visa for the remaining period of its validity, the website said. Likewise, Dr Brian Cobb, an American doctor who was asked by the government to leave the country, took a 12:00 o'clock flight out, said Pradip Thapa of Ashoka Hotel where the doctor was staying since April 5. According to The New York Times, police on Wednesday detained for six hours, under circumstances that remain a mystery, Dr Cobb, who could be seen treating the injured by setting up makeshift facilities over the past week. On Tuesday, Dr Cobb had accused senior police officer Madhav Thapa of beating him along with many others and "gouging out one man's eye with the end of a lathi".