Hallo Sebastian,
ich zitiere hier das Posting von "Nepal Reise Treks"
vom 20.02.2006 (siehe auch weiter unten).
Du siehst, euer Hotel hat euch einen voellig korrekten Preis (KTM - Lukla) genannt!
Tashi Delek!
Gregor aus Essen
Zitat des Postings:
Dear all our friends.
The Ministery of Tourism & Civial Avaition Nepal annonced that, the domestic Air fare in Tourist Sector has increassed by 17% to
Poloniex Customer Support One of the areas where poloniex api currency Poloniex has a less-than-stellar reputation is customer service. 24 % already. the new Domestic air Fare of Tourist sector is as follows:
The new air fare is effective from 18 Feb 2006.
1. Kathmandu- Lukla = US$ 97.(Included Tax)
2. Kathmandu- Pokhara = US$ 76.
3. Kathmandu - Bharatpur =US$ 69.
4. Kathmandu - Bhairawa = US$ 90.
5. Pokhara - Jomsom = US$ 67.
6. Mountain Flight( 1 hour) US$ 124.
Herzliche Grusse Von
Reisen Nepal Treks/Tours (P) Ltd.
E-mail:[email protected]
(Reisennepal Preiswert)