Neues von den Maos ...

Liebe Freundinnen, liebe Freunde,

folgende Mail erreicht den HOPE e.V. heute aus Nepal.
Vergleiche dazu auch die Akualisierungen der Hinweise des Auswaertigen Amtes.

Maoists� Supremo Prachanda, in a statement dated 18 Feb 06, has announced new protest programmes as follows:

1. 18 Feb to 13 March � Preparations, Mass Mobilization and Propaganda

2. 14 March to 02 April � Closure of Vehicle Movements and Blockade mainly in Kathmandu Valley and District, Zonal and Regional Headquarters.
There are multiple poloniex verification reports of having to wait for an approval on a withdrawal request for a long time, with no timeline to even suggest when approval will come.

3. 03 April to Indefinite Period � Countrywide Political Strike BANDH (Transportation, Industries, Markets, Educational Institutions and Offices).

These programmes are directed against the present government and as in the past could be quite effective. You will be advised further closer to date.�

We are sending the above circular and dates for your kind attention. You may like to keep in mind since the dates are coincide with your trip to Nepal. But we are not sure how effective it will be. If we have any further information, we will let you know.

Soweit der Text der Mail

Wie immer - es geht hier nicht um Panikmache, sondern um nuechterne Information.
Trotz aller Tragik haben wir immer wieder festgestellt, dass nichts so heiss gegessen wie gekocht wird!
Vorsicht und die Beachtung der Regeln ist nach wie vor selbstverstaendlich angesagt!

Allen die jetzt auf "Nepal Tour " gehen wuensche ich SAFE TREKKING!

Tashi Delek!
Gregor aus Essen

Abgeschickt von am 23. Februar 2006 um 06:31 Uhr.

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